
American Clinic Online

VideoChat with an English-speaking doctor as soon as possible. Get needed medications from a Pharmacy nearby (restrictions apply). We’ve got you covered. All across Japan.


AI can help find Emergency hospitals in Tokyo that are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. In development by our friend Dr Yoshiki Ishizuka.

Tokyo Coronavirus Support Center for Foreign Residents provided by the Bureau of Citizens and Cultural Affairs

Tokyo Novel Coronavirus Call Center (Open daily 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) Supports Japanese, English, Chinese, and Korean at 0120-296-004.

Japan National Tourism Organization Hotline

Hotline 24/7, 365 days a year. Call for tourist information or assistance in the case of accidents and emergencies including novel coronavirus(COVID-19). Supports English, Chinese, Korean, and Japanese. 050-3816-2787.

The Expat’s Guide to Japan

Comprehensive information on Health & Safety in Japan. Navigate healthcare in Japan and be prepared in case of an emergency or natural disaster. Free booklets are distributed at the American Clinic Tokyo.

National Medical Clinic

National Medical Clinic (established 1988) provides Pediatric care in Hiroo. Contact them at 03-3473-2057. Japanese Health Insurance is not accepted. 

Tokyo Mental Health

Dr Andrew Kissane`s Psychotherapy office. Located in Ginza and Okinawa. 03-6280-4750.